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 ・「国際裁判におけるnon ultra petita rule」












 ・「カシキリ/セドゥドゥ島事件(ボツワナ/ナミビア)(ICJ判決 1999年12月13日)」



 ・「Robert Kolb, Théorie du ius cogens international: Essai de relecture du concept, PUF, 2001, 399 pp.」





 ・「J.-M. Sorel et F. Poirat (éds.), Les procédures incidentes devant la Cour internationale de justice: exercice ou abus de droits ?,

    2001, Pedone, ISBN 2-233-00392-6, 158 p.」国際法研究会、2002年6月、京都大学

 ・「J. Salmon, Le fait dans l’application du droit international public, R.C.A.D.I., 1982」







 ・「ジェノサイド条約適用事件(先決的抗弁判決)の再審請求(ユーゴスラヴィア v. ボスニア・ヘルチェゴヴィナ)」





 ・「L.N.C.Brant, L’autorité de la chose jugée en droit international public, L.G.D.J., 2003, 391 pp.」

















 ・「Edward McWhinney and Mariko Kawano, Judge Shigeru Oda and the Path to Judicial Wisdom:Opinions (Declarations, Separate

    Opinions, Dissenting Opinions), on the International Court of Justice, 1993-2003 (Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden / Boston, 2006, xiii + 608 pp.)」




 ・「位田国際法学の源流を探る 2 ―Michel Virallyの(国際)法理論―」(濱本正太郎と共同報告)







 ・« L’obligation de prévenir le génocide : équivaut-elle à la responsabilité de proteger? »,

    la 5ème édition du Colloque annuel du Réseau francophone de droit international. Séance plénière pour le thème sur

    « Le génocide dans la jurisprudence nationale et internationale », Hammamet, Tunisie, le 2 mai 2008.



 ・「国際司法裁判所 アマドゥ・サディオ・ディアロ事件(先決的抗弁判決 2007年5月24日)」





    岡山大学法学部・台湾高雄大学法学院 学術交流セミナー、2008年12月、高雄大学法学院




 ・« Le bonheur de la minorité au cas du bombardement nucléaire : une approche de l’utilitarisme juridique »,

    Colloque « Deux siècles de l’utilitarisme », le 4 juin 2009, Université de Rennes II, France. Le groupe de recherche Axe

    Civilisation Britannique, Communautés et Écritures  (Université de Rennes II) et le Centre Bentham (Université Paris

    Ouest - La Défense). le 4 juin 2009.

    平成21年度(2009年度)独立行政法人 日本学術振興会 国際学会等派遣事業第1期採用



 ・「合法収用 / 違法収用のcompensation」




 ・「アビエイ事件(常設仲裁裁判所・仲裁裁定 2009年7月22日)」


 ・「刑事司法共助に関する特定問題事件(判決 2008年6月4日)」













 ・「投資協定仲裁における仮保全措置 ―『投資利益共同体』の再現?―」





 ・「アマドゥ・サディオ・ディアロ事件(ギニア共和国 v. コンゴ民主共和国)先決的抗弁判決(2007年5月24日)、本案判決(2010年11月30日)」



















 ・「1995年9月13日の暫定協定の適用事件(マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国 v. ギリシャ)ICJ判決、2011年12月5日」


 ・「陪審評決の理由附記義務―欧州人権裁判所Taxquet v. Belgium事件判決の分析―」



 ・'Can the Irish Jury System Survive ? Taxquet and Obligation to State Reasons under the ECHR',

    Irish Society of Comparative Law, Fifth Annual Conference: "Comparative Public Law", 24-25 May 2013,

    at NUI (National University of Ireland), Galway, Ireland.

 ・'Does the ‘World Court’ Reign or Govern ? Coordination of Regime Interactions by the ICJ',

    Edinburgh School of Law, Scottish Centre for International Law, International Law Discussion Group, Biennial PhD Symposium

    in International Law 2013: “Regime Interaction in Public International Law”, 17-18 June 2013, at Edinburgh University, the U.K.

 ・'Investors’ Responsibility towards Host States ? : Regulation of Corruption by Investor-State Arbitration',

    Joint International Conference of Kwantlen Institute for Transborder Studies (ITS) and Political Science Department, the  

    Non-State Actor Committee of the International Law Association, International Law Association - Canada, the Leuven

    Centre for Global Governance Studies, and the Flemish Fund for Scientific Research Belgium,

    “Non-State Actor Responsibilities: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Considerations”, 26-28 June 2013, Vancouver, Canada.

 ・'Actio popularis : Accountability of the International Court of Justice vis-à-vis International Society',

    21st Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law:

    “Accountability and International Law”, 4-6 July 2013, at ANU, Canberra, Australia.

 ・'Surveillance of Monetary, Budgetary and Fiscal Policies by International Institutions',

    The Hague Academy of International Law 2013 Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations,

    “The Legal Implications of Global Financial Crises”, 19 August - 6 September 2013, The Hague, Netherland.

 ・'Host States as Claimants: Corruption Allegation and Possibility of Counter-Claim in Investor-State Arbitration',

    WTI (World Trade Institute), University of Bern and Federal Department of Economic Affairs of Switzerland:

    “The Role of the State in Investor-State Arbitration”, 8 November 2013, at WTI, Bern, Switzerland.



 ・'Compensation in Investor-State Arbitration: Has the ‘Appropriate’ Compensation Disappeared?',

    Young Scholars Workshop on International Law, XI ed., “Africa 2013 - Was There Something Missed in the

    Decolonization Process? The International Law Perspective”, 6-7 December 2013, at Trento University, Trento, Italy.



 ・'Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) under TPP: Impacts on Vietnam and Japan',

    Kobe University and University of Economics and Law (Ho Chi Ming City National University), Global Link Forum:

    “Advancing Rule of Law under TPP: Many Futures of Economic Cooperation between Vietnam and Japan”,

    19 December 2013, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.



 ・'Fight against Corruption and International Investment Law',

    Kyoto Seminar on International Investment Law, the Graduate School of Law of Kyoto University and the Faculté de droit et

    des sciences criminelles, Université de Lausanne, 2 February 2014, at Kyoto University, Japan.


 ・「国際司法裁判所 南極海における捕鯨事件(2014年3月31日判決)―手続法上の論点―」


 ・'Unfavourable but unavoidable procedures: Procedural aspects of the Whaling case”,

    Symposium of the Kobe University Centre for International Law: Whaling in the Antarctic: the ICJ Judgement and its Implications',

    31 May-1 June 2014, at Kobe University, Japan

 ・'Anti-Corruption Mechanism in Investor-State Arbitration: Possibility of Networked Governance by Arbitrators',

    Fifth International Four Societies Conference, “Experts, Networks and International Law”, 1-2 July 2014, at ANU, Canberra, Australia.

 ・'Legal Interests of Parties and Third Parties before the ICJ: Contributions by Australia, New Zealand and Japan',

    22nd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law:

    “Towards International Peace through International Law”, 3-5 July 2014, at ANU, Canberra, Australia.

 ・'"Case Law" of the International Court of Justice: Procedural Fairness or Judicial Law-Making?',

    Workshop by University of Surrey, University of Hull, IAS (Institute of Advanced Studies) and BIICL

    (British Institute of International and Comparative Law),

    “Procedural Fairness in International Courts and Tribunals”, 19 September 2014, at University of Surrey, the U.K.,

 ・'Fight against Corruption and Fraud in Investor-State Dispute Settlement',

    Kobe Seminar on International Law 2014: “Regulation of Cross-Border Economic Crime”, co-organised by Kobe University

    Graduate School of Law and Instituto Italiano di Cultura di Osaka, at Kobe University, 21 October 2014

 ・'ISDS from a Viewpoint of Public International Law: Function of International Public Policy (Ordre Public)',

    Academy for International Business Transactions (AIBT), Annual Conference 2014, UNCITRAL Japan Seminar 2014:

    'The Development of Investor State Dispute Settlement from a viewpoint of Asia', co-organized by UNCITRAL-RCAP and AIBT,

    25 October 2014, at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan

 ・'Impacts of ISDS in the Coming Mega FTA Generation: from a Japanese Viewpoint',

    Kobe Seminar on International Investment Law 2014: 'Impacts of ISDS in the Forthcoming Mega FTA Generation:

    Crossing Viewpoints of China, Japan and Korea', 27 October 2014, at Kobe University.

 ・'Discrimination in Application of Competition Law and International Investment Agreements',

    International Symposium, 'Legal Discipline over State-Owned Enterprises in Asian Countries by Competition Law and

    International Economic Law', supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Graduate School

    of International Development, 16 January 2015, at Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.




    RIETI 国有企業(SOE)規制の国際経済法研究会、2015年2月、経済産業省別館

 ・'Concluding Remarks',

    Kobe University Graduate School of Law (STP and GMAPs), Kobe University Symposium on Space Law: 

    'Legal Development in UNCOPUOS and Space Business', 18 March 2015, at Kobe University.


 ・'Comments on the Presentation by Professor Roger Cotterrell',

    Kobe and QMUL (Queen Mary, University of London) Seminar on International Law 2015:

    'International Economic Law and Transnational Law: A Socio-Legal Perspective', by Professor Roger Cotterrell,

    9 April 2015, at Kobe University.

 ・'Concluding Remarks of the Symposium',

    Kobe and QMUL (Queen Mary, University of London) Symposium on International Law 2015:

    'Diversity of Transnational Criminal Justice', 10 April 2015, at Kobe University.

 ・'International Law-Making by Arbitrators: Binding Force of Provisional Measures in ICSID',

    23rd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law:

    'International Law-Making at a Crossroads: Participats, Processes and Principles',

    2-4 July 2015, at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.

 ・'Investment Protection in Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)',

    Tri-national University Meeting (Kobe University, Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Defense University, Osnabrück University):

    'States and Borders', Day 3, 'The Interactions between International Law, European Law and National Laws in Japan

    and the European Union', 6-8 July 2015, at Kobe University.

 ・'Possibility to Regulate the Application of Competition Law under International Economic Law',

    Joint Asian International Economic Law Conference, organised by Asia WTO Research Network (AWRN)Asia IEL Network (AIELN)

    and IEL Interest Group of the Australia and New Zealand Society of International Law (ANZSIL-IELIG):

    'Regionalism in Asia-Pacific and Beyond: Challenges and Opportunities', 20-21 July 2015, at Sofitel Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia

 ・「Discriminatory Application of Competition Law and International Investment Agreements」


 ・'Comment on four presentations in Session 1',

    The FDI Moot Asia-Pacific Regional Rounds, KCAB (Korean Commercial Arbitration Board) and SNU (Seoul National University)

    Asia-Pacific Law Institute, Seminar on Investor-State Dispute Settlement, 18 August 2015, at Seoul Global Centre, Seoul, Korea.

 ・'Present Situation of Extraterritorial Application of Competition Law: From a Viewpoint of Public International Law',

    Zhejiang Sci-Tech University (浙江理工大学: Organiser), Zhejiang Law Society (浙江省法学会: Organiser), Zhejiang Law Society

    Competition Law Association (浙江省法学会竞争法学研究会: Operator) and Zhejiang Golden Express Law Firm

    (浙江金驰律师事务所Sponsor), International Symposium on 'Extraterritorial Experiences and Chinese Style of Enforcement of

    Antimonopoly Law' (国际研讨会「反垄断法实施的域外经验与中国路径」), 23 September 2015,

    at Hangzhou Hai Hua Man Long Resort Hotel (杭州海华满陇度假酒店), Hangzhou (杭州), China.

 ・'Export Control and Invetment Regulation', INGEER (International Group of Experts on Export Regulations),

    Inaugural International Symposium organised by Kobe University and IDEST-Universite Paris-Sud,

    'Theory and Practice of Export Control: Balancing International Security and International Economic Relations',

    at Kobe University, 26-27 November 2015.

 ・'Ultra Vires Judgment of the ICJ: Legal Exclusion and its Problems',

    the New Zealand Centre for Public Law and International Law Association (New Zealand Branch),

    Symposium: 'International Organisations and the Rule of Law: Perils and Promise',

    7-8 December 2015, at Victoria University of Wellington, Faculty of Law, New Zealand.

 ・'Investment Chapter of TPP from a Japanese Viewpoint',
    2nd Kobe Seminar on International Investment Law 2016, 'Asian challenges to international investment law:

    Viewing from internal and comparative perspectives', Kobe University, 29 January 2016.



 ・'How to Interpret TPP ?: Impacts of ISDS on the Contracting Parties',

    UEL Seminar on International Law: 'Current Issues of International Law Surrounding Vietnam', 25 March 2016,

    at Viet Nam National University-HCM University of Economics and Law (UEL), Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

 ・'How to Read the Philippines v. China Award?: Possibility of Settlement of South China Sea Dispute',

    UEL Seminar on International Law: 'Current Issues of International Law Surrounding Vietnam', 25 March 2016,

    at Viet Nam National University-HCM University of Economics and Law (UEL), Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

 ・'Impacts of the Philippines v. China Award on Similar Disputes',

    28 March 2016, HCMCUL Seminar on International Law, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, HCMC, Viet Nam




 ・'State aid in ISDS and its Implications for JGC v. Spain',

    Kobe Seminar on International Economic Law 2016: 'Legal Issues Arising from State Capitalism:

    New Trend in International Economic Law', 7 June 2016, Kobe University.




    国際法学会 2016年度大会、2016年9月9日、静岡県コンベンションアーツセンター・グランシップ 

 ・'Introduction and Discussion: Whaling in the Antarctic',

    Book Forum 'Whaling and the Antarctic', Queen Mary University of London, London, UK, 23 September 2016.

 ・'Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment for the Reason of Security: Analysis of CETA',

    Second International Symposium of INGEER (International Group of Experts on Export Regulations),

    Theory and Practive of Export Regulations, 2nd Edition, 'International Trade Law and Export Regulations',

    21-22 November 2016, Université de Caen-Normandie, Caen, France




    科研費ミニシンポジウム「国境を越えた / 私的自治による紛争解決と法の実現―仲裁を素材として






 ・「知財紛争におけるISDSの実効性―Philip Morris事件から得られる示唆―」

 ・'Results of the Tobacco Plain Packaging Cases in ISDS: End of Controversy?',
    Kobe Seminar on International Investment Law 2017, 'Struggle with the Public Aspect of ISDS:

    Controversy and Future Model', 27 January 2017, Kobe University



 ・'Investment Chapter of TPP: Should We Forget or Maintain?',
    Xiamen University-Kobe University International Economic Law Seminar, 21 March 2017, Xiamen University, China

 ・'Procedural Issues of Maritime Dispute Settlement',
    Xiamen University-Kobe University International Economic Law Seminar, 22 March 2017, Xiamen University, China


 ・'Possibility to Exclude the Award of the South China Sea Case by an Agreement between Philippines and PRC',
    Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law, 2017 ILA-ASIL Asia-Pacific Research Forum:

    'The Geopolitics of International Law: Contemporary Challenges for the Asia-Pacific',

    20 May 2017, Howard Civil Service International House, Taipei, Taiwan


 ・'Japan-South Korea Comfort Women Agreement: What was Agreed with Legally Binding Force?',
    Kobe Seminar on International Law 2017: 'What Constitutes Treaty in International Jurisprudence and State Practice',
    19 June 2017, Kobe University



    Kobe Seminar on International Law2017:「南シナ海事件と国連海洋法条約」、2017年8月24日、神戸大学




 ・'Arms Export Control via International Humanitarian Law: the UK Judgment of 2017',
    Third International Symposium of INGEER (International Group of Experts on Export Regulations),
    24 November 2017, Kobe University

 ・'Dispute Settlement by the International Court of Justice',

    Special Seminar, Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law and Administration, Kraków, Poland, 30 November 2017

 ・「『人類の共同の財産』(Common Heritage of Mankind: CHM)と知的財産」


 ・'Doctrine of Estoppel Applied in the UNCLOS-DS Mechanism: New Development of Case Law?',
    Kobe Seminar on International Law: 'Beyond UNCLOS: International Law Issues in Maritime Dispute Settlement',
    Kobe University, 17 January 2018


 ・'Japan and the ICJ',
    iCouts (The Danish National Research Foundation's Centre of Excellence for International Courts),
    'Workshop on the ICJ Research Handbook', University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 February 2018

 ・'The Asia-Pacific Way of International Dispute Settlement: a Japanese Perspective',
    Lunch Seminar at iCouts (The Danish National Research Foundation's Centre of Excellence for International Courts),

    University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 February 2018




 ・'Investor-State Arbitration under CPTPP (TPP11): Impacts of Suspension',

    International Conference: 'International Investment Dispute Settlement of UNCITRAL and ICSID: Implication for Vietnam',

    Ho Chi Min City University of Law, 27 March 2018, HCMC. 


 ・'Applicability of the Excess of Power Doctrine to the UNCLOS Dispute Settlement Mechanism',
    中日南海合作研讨会・暨海洋沙龙2018年第2次会议, Shanhai Academy of Social Sciences, 26 May 2018

 ・'Attribution Rules in International Law: How to Apply the ILC's Articles to the SOE Cases in ISDS',

    Kobe Workshop on International Economic Law: 'Legal Issues of SOE Across International Economic Law and Investment Law',

    27 June 2018, Kobe University.

 ・「The Timor Sea Conciliation」


 ・'Applicability of the Excess of Power Doctrine to the UNCLOS Dispute Settlement Mechanism', 
    HCMCUL UNCLOS Seminar, 22 August 2018, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, HCMC, Vietnam
 ・'Legal Status of SOEs in Investor-State Arbitration',

    Colloquium: 'International Investment Law and Competition Law', 27 September 2018, University of Zaragoza, Spain

 ・'Introduction to Japanese Judges in PCIJ and ICJ',
    Kobe Workshop on International Law: 'Mineitciro Adatci and International Dispute Settlement',

    11 December 2018, Kobe University

 ・'The Japan-South Korea Claims Agreement of 1965: Complexity in Subsequent Agreement and Practice',

    Kobe Workshop on International Law: 'Subsequent Agreement and Practice in Treaty Interpretation'

    18 December 2018, Kobe University

 ・'Basic Principle of Damages in International Law: Consistency and Inconsistency of the Chorzów Formula',

    Kobe Workshop on International Law: 'Damages and Compensation in International Environmental Dispute',

    25 December 2018, Kobe University



​    2019年2月8日、経済倶楽部ホール


    「日韓関係における 1965 年体制の再検討 ―日韓請求権・経済協力協定の解釈論―」、2019年2月28日、神戸大学


 ・「1965年のチャゴス諸島分離の法的帰結 (ICJ勧告的意見2019年2月25日) ―手続上の論点―」


 ・'Simplification and Abstraction of Justitia in Light of Attributes of International Justice',

    Conference of iCourts and ARTIJ, 'Art and International Courts', 25-26 April 2019, University of Copenhagen

 ・'How Critical is the Choice of Methodology in International Law?: Several Comments on Szwedo’s Book on Cross-Border Water Trade'

    Jagiellonian University and Kobe University Workshop: 'Legal Methodology: International and Comparative Perspective'

    21 May 2019, Kobe University 
 ・'Whaling Case Again?: Locus Standi under UNCLOS',
    Kobe Workshop on International Law 2019: 'Japan's Withdrawal from ICRW/IWC and Commercial Whaling',
    13 June 2019, Kobe University






 ・'Japan's Export Control against ROK: Compatibility with WTO Rules', 

    Japan-Europe Export Control Symposium, 30-31 October 2019, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

 ・'Variety and Flexibility of ISDS: the Japan's "Suite" Approach in the ISDS Reform', 
    International Conference on International Investment and Trade and

    Legal Issues concerning China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Guangxi University, PRC, 1-2 December 2019



 ・「判例紹介 黒海、アゾフ海およびケルチ海峡における沿岸国権利に関する紛争事件、UNCLOS附属書VII仲裁

    ウクライナ対ロシア、PCA Case No.2017-06、ロシアの先決的抗弁に関する判断(2020年2月21日)」








 ・'Territorial and Maritime Disputes from a Japanese Perspective ― Insights from the Recent Case Law',
    The Section for International Law and International Relations, University of Vienna, Round Table, Zoom, 23 March 2021. 


 ・'Conclusions', International Law Association British Branch Spring Conference 2021:

    'Synergy between the Law of Treaties and the Law of State Responsibility:  So Far Apart but So Close',

    23 April 2021, Queen Mary University of London, Zoom

 ・'Straight or Archipelagic Baseline with respect to Offshore Archipelago',

    10 May 2021, Conference on Oceans Law & Policy: Peaceful Maritime Engagement in East Asia and the Pacific Region

​    (10-12 May 2021), Zoom webinar

 ・「国際裁判における領土主権紛争の存在認定 ―国連海洋法条約附属書VII仲裁裁判所における『沿岸国訴訟』の利用可能性―」









​    東大国際法研究会、2021年12月18日、Zoom


 ・'Recent Development of Conciliation in International Law',

    International Law Lecture, Dalian Maritime University School of Law, 7 April 2022, Tencent Voov Meeting.


​    浅田科研ミニシンポ「ウクライナ問題をめぐる国際法と国際政治経済」、2022年9月25日、Zoom





 ・'The Changing Structure of the International Court of Justice: Dispute Settlement Embracing International Control',

    International Law Talk, King's College London, CIGAD, 13 March 2023 



    世界法学会 2023年度研究大会、2023年5月20日、明治学院大学

 ・'ISDS and International Investment Law: War in Ukraine and International Investment Law',

​    Tokyo International Law Seminar, UN University, 24 August 2023


​    国際法学会2023年度研究大会、新潟コンベンションセンター、2023年9月5日

 ・'War in Ukraine and the International Court of Justice: Provisional Measures and Intervention',

​    Kyoto International Law Study Group, Zoom, 21 October 2023 

 ・'Potential of the Non-Adjudicative Alternative Dispute Resolution in International Law: 

    Searching for a New Model of Dispute Settlement in Asia', 

    Bilateral Dialogue on International Law: Japan and Korea, Waseda University, 9 November 2023






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